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The 5 daily questions that a good leader should ask him/herself

Leadership is an attitude that is built, trained and improved. So, those who want to be a leader or be in a leadership position must analyse, in a daily basis, their role within their organisation.
To carry out an exercise of self-analysis does not require much time, and every leader, at the end of the day, should take a break to ask her or himself these 5 questions, in order to polish their leadership strategy:
Have I fulfilled my goals today?
To set daily goals is essential to know the overall result of the activity of your whole team and you as a leader. Always check whether the goals set have been achieved.
What have I done or said to motivate my team today?
Remember that a leader does not reach the top without her/his team, so it is of great importance that you support and persuade your colleagues about the advantages of meeting the objectives.
Have I had difficulties or mistakes throughout the day?
To acknowledge errors or difficulties you have come across doesn’t mean you have failed. In every adverse situation you are in, you can learn lessons for the future, that will make you a better leader.
What do I seek: success or excellence?
A leader who aims to make her/his work with quality and promote effective interaction between the whole team, doesn't need to worry about success, it will come by itself.
How will I face my day tomorrow?
To be prepared for the next day is what the good students do. A good leader will do the same, planning tasks and goals that will be part of another work day with good results.
If you want to become a good leader, do not be afraid to question your role and actions. Ask yourself these 5 questions and get valuable information that will help you become even better.
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